You will need to complete the Hunting Trials scattered across the map (This excludes trials found in the Frozen Wilds DLC) and earn a certain ranking Sun from each in order to be rewarded with these esteemed weapons, respectively. The Hunting Lodge reskins these weapons with a gold aesthetic, which may also link back to the Utaru in the future, given the tribe's association with the color in Horizon Zero Dawn.

The original cosmetic rewards obtained in Horizon Zero Dawn, the Hunting Lodge weapons are reskinned versions of "The Weapons of The Lodge" quest rewards, which are also known to be some of the best weapons in the game. With so many players undertaking this tedious task, our article has been flushed out to meet the rising needs of adventurers everywhere and help them decide which cosmetics to set their sights on. But throngs of players are taking on the monumental feat of beating the new mode on the hardest difficulty, in part to unlock all of those striking new cosmetic rewards introduced with New Game+. Updated on July 21st, by Kim Dailey: Journeying through Horizon Zero Dawn on the harder difficulties is a long and rather arduous adventure. Related: Horizon Zero Dawn: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Playing For The First Time However, they were much easier to obtain at the time, even on greater difficulties. While most of these cosmetic rewards weren't present in the original release of the game, a handful could be obtained before New Game+ was introduced. Once New Game+ was introduced, however, Horizon also incentivized players to continue playing the game, including various cosmetic rewards to change Aloy's appearance.

The majority have their own upgraded versions that slightly alter their appearance, stats, and modification slots. Being an open-world action-adventure title, Horizon Zero Dawn is full of weapons and armor for Aloy to use.