You can even breach windows in pure SWAT-fashion! Get the more here. The mod allows the player to rappel from mountains, buildings or even helicopters, adding much more linear depth to the gameplay. Now, this is a beauty, not just in terms of immersion, but also in terms of practicality within the game. When hit by a bullet, an explosion or a shockwave, there is a chance that your character or your enemy will either drop their weapon, get knocked out, or simply have their helmet drop down in front of their eyes obscuring their line of sight. Just bring another vehicle and tow that thing back to your base for repairs, and make it as good as new! In my opinion, one of the best immersion mods currently available in Arma III. Have you ever - by no fault of your own, of course - crashed your favorite vehicle somewhere and destroyed either the engine, the treads or the wheels, leaving you stuck like a hippo in a swamp full of mud? It brings a ton, actually over new weapons, an additional 29 high-quality optics, new suppressors, and flash hiders. This mod is a compilation of amazingly detailed rifles and equipment used by special forces operators around the world.

The mod provides a sophisticated in-game system for carrying and operating radios, allowing players to communicate across multiple channels and frequencies, which allows a much greater deal of flexibility than what the vanilla game provides. This one is for the players who are looking for the next level of tactical communication.

Yet another mod in terms of heavy immersion. By adding debris, and improving on effects like dense smoke, glowing particles, flashing tracers, and blazing fire, gunfights and battles take on another dimension of havoc with this mod running. Staying in the lane of immersion we have another top-spot contender for the player looking to further increase the realism of the game.īlastcore provides visual enhancements way past what vanilla Arma offers. The mod improves the overall sound quality immensely, by replacing every vanilla sound of the game with a much more realistic, metallic counterpart. This mod sets out to provide an extra level of realism by adding travel time to sounds in the game, meaning that, just like in real life, you will see the explosion before you hear it. We all know that Arma III is already renowned for its focus on realism, but there are ways to improve the already immersive experience of Arma even further. Whether it be realism, immersion, graphics or practicality, I have provided you with a list of 15 mods that are guaranteed to pique your interest one way or another.